Age of Aquarius
Paradigm Healing Clinic
Part 2
The overall function of the Age of Aquarius Paradigm Healing Clinic is to enable people to heal themselves.
This is done through a full scale energy clinic that has all the 21st Century, Age of Aquarius energy healing techniques.
We make no claims of healing at any time. We allow people to heal themselves. We teach through a series of classes and lectures that everything is energy. People are energy beings. As energy beings they need an unblocked flow of life-force (Prana, Galama, Elan Vital) though out their body.
Blockages of Life-Force anywhere in the body will cause what is known as “illness” or “disease.”
With a new understanding of who and what we are (Energy beings) a full array of energy healing techniques will be made available to the “Seeker.”
We use the word “Seeker” because it will be only through the Laws of Resonant frequency will the seekers know about our clinic.
“Seekers” are those in search of Wisdom, or new ideas and methodologies of Natural Healing. Those who want to leave the paradigm of the Age of Pisces behind and enter the Paradigm of the Age of Aquarius.
Our clinic is a huge, many room mansion on 100 acres, with flourishing gardens of herbs, vegetables, flowers and fruit trees that completely fill the grounds.
When you enter the clinic through the large oak doors, you will step into a huge reception room with a cascading fountain in the middle and large hanging chandeliers on either side. A black and white marble floor adds beauty and symmetry to the room.
You will be greeted by a receptionist who will direct you to a series of rooms on the ground floor, where you will receive short lectures on what to expect.
Our staff consists of Energy Field healers using all the 21st century Age of Aquarius energy techniques.
Everyone will be an accomplished pendulum user and will use their pendulums in helping with the selection of remedies. This will take all the conscious/ subconscious, objective/ subjective guess work out of diagnosis. The pendulum abstracts it's answer from the higher conscious areas of Mankind.
Actually from the Mind of God.
We will have a Chiropractor; a homeopath; a Bach flower remedy practitioner; a reflexologist; an acupuncturist, an herbologist, a nutritionist, an Eeman circuit expert, a Dinshah color expert; a meditation guide as well as various Age of Aquarius teachers.
Each practitioner will have their own large room complete with large marble fireplaces and comfy, over sized club chairs and couches.
The rooms as well as the entire mansion, will be decorated with objects d' Art. Beauty is very basic energy needed in the healing process and for inspiration and creativity.
When you leave the clinic you will have a better understanding of what caused your illness . You did! As well as an understanding of how to correct your thinking which caused situations which caused you to become ill.
The appropriate remedies that you will need to continue the healing energy process started at the clinic will be given to you for free.
You will leave knowing that you are now in complete control of your health and your life and have the necessary tools to help yourself from that day onwards.
Email me for my Age of Aquarius Newsletter. If you would like to be part of this new health movement you can send donations to my paypal address epete@ptd.net
Thank you!
Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:
Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.
Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at:
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